Support Groups

Support groups are safe, welcoming environments where people can connect with one another, find strength in shared experiences, and receive emotional and mental support. Groups foster empathy and provide a framework for personal growth, making them an important part of many people’s quest for healing or self-improvement.

There are many kinds of support groups. The types of support groups we offer at Chrysallis Wellness Center include:

  • Parenting support groups
  • Emotional support groups
  • Autism support groups
  • Psychoeducational groups
  • Therapy Groups
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Find Support and Community Through Our Support Groups

Discover Empathy, Understanding, and Growth

Non-Judgemental Support

Support groups are a safe haven for anyone dealing with challenging circumstances. Whether it’s coping with a health condition, navigating a family crisis, or just managing everyday stress and anxiety, support groups offer a place where you can share openly about what you’re going through without fear of judgment.

Emotional Validation

Support groups are also empathetic spaces. Members share a common understanding of a shared struggle and are able to offer genuine emotional support and validation to one another. Each person who shares about their circumstances can feel sure they’re being seen and heard.

Professional Guidance

Support groups are facilitated by professional counselors with a wealth of knowledge and experience. They are always available to help guide discussions and ensure the group maintains a constructive and non-judgemental atmosphere, as well as to offer their professional insights.

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Parenting Support Groups

Parenting support groups are a lifeline for mothers and fathers alike. These groups provide guidance, resources, and community tailored specifically to the challenges of parenthood. Support groups for parents cover all kinds of topics, from child development advice and family communication strategies to self-care techniques for worn-out moms and dads.

While parenting tips and resources are important to have, the real value of a parenting support group lies in the camaraderie it nurtures. When you get to know other parents who are experiencing the same journey you’re experiencing, along with all the same challenges and milestones, you become a part of a community. It’s not just about finding a sympathetic ear — it’s about creating a peer network where you can benefit from the shared insights of many parents as well as contribute your own.

Emotional Support Groups

Emotional support groups are a lifeline for people who are contending with emotional challenges like anxiety, depression, grief, or stress. These groups are designed to offer a sense of empathy and validation among people with similar experiences, as well as provide tools for coping with difficult circumstances.

Participants in emotional support groups can find solace in the knowledge that they’re not alone in their struggles. Support groups are a place to share your deepest and most complex emotions — with the guarantee whatever you share will be received without judgment from the group.

Emotional support groups also offer practical guidance to help participants learn effective coping strategies. Overall, these groups are intended to promote healing, personal growth, and emotional resilience for anyone striving for emotional wellbeing amid difficult life circumstances.

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Autism Support Groups

Autism support groups offer specialized assistance to individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. These groups are intended to be a supportive environment where members can openly share their experiences and exchange practical strategies for navigating daily life. They often prioritize fostering acceptance and understanding among family members or the community at large.

What sets autism support groups apart is their commitment to tailoring their approaches to meet the unique needs of each group member. Group facilitators employ a range of carefully customized strategies to make sure the support being offered is both relevant and effective. This could involve addressing unique communication challenges or sensory sensitivities, or taking other concrete steps to ensure that the group is a space conducive to every member’s personal growth.

Psychoeducational Groups

Psychoeducational groups are designed to help participants build skills and self-awareness in a group context. These groups cover a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Managing stress effectively
  • Developing assertiveness
  • Building self esteem
  • Coping with specific mental health conditions

Psychoeducational facilitators usually take an interactive and informative approach. They provide a platform where education can seamlessly integrate with group discussions, creating an environment where participants acquire knowledge organically through meaningful dialogue. This interactive dynamic empowers individuals with a deeper understanding of the subject matter and equips them with practical tools they can apply in their daily lives.

Therapy Groups

Therapy groups combine the unique strengths of one-on-one counseling and group therapy. These groups employ well-established therapeutic approaches like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to help participants address personal challenges and gain insights into their mental and emotional health. They also provide a source of practical support from both the facilitator and fellow group members.

This integrated group therapy approach creates a space where participants can comprehensively explore their emotional wellbeing with help from a licensed facilitator and the support of their peers. A group environment often fosters empathy and solidarity among members, making it a particularly effective avenue for personal growth and emotional healing.

Contact and Registration

We want to hear from you! Get in touch with our Fort Myers office at (239) 237-280 or to schedule an individual appointment or sign up for a group session.
