
Ninoshka Vidro

Bilingual Registered Mental Health Counselor

Ninoshka, who also goes by Nicky, is a Registered Mental Health Intern for the State of Florida who offers her services in English and Spanish.
Ms. Nicky is a born and raised Floridian, but her roots come from the lovely Isla del Encanto, Puerto Rico. She is happily married to her husband and has two beautiful children, and 3 fur-babies.
She has personal and profesional experience with: blended families including co-parenting, divorced families with strained relationships, bariatric and health counseling, SA trauma, trauma/grief counseling, generalized anxiety, Christian counseling, and many other disorders.
We hope to serve you, your family, and friends!

Serving Needs Of The Community With Caring, Sincere And Whole Hearted Services


Our treatment programs and services are diverse, trauma informed and community based and we are aware to develop an effective wellness center for the community.
