Jimmy Fleming

Jimmy Fleming BA

Jimmy Fleming BA

Clinical Coordinator

Jimmy has a bachelor’s degree from Hodges University in Applied Psychology, a Masters in mental health counselling and is presently working on a doctorate degree in general psychology from North Central University.

Jimmy has 4 years of experience working in mobile crisis as a master level clinician and crisis case manager. Moreover, Jimmy has over 3 years of experience as a counselor treating clients from all walks of life with a specialization in cognitive based therapy, mindfulness and Eye Movement Integration. Jimmy practices under the Principals of Carl Rogers and uses a person-centered approach helping clients seek out the answers within themselves instead of directing clients to what they should do.

This leads to more autonomy, self-confidence and better outcomes for clients in long term. Jimmy also served nine years in the United States Air Force as a non-commissioned officer in fitness and sustainment services. Jimmy has traveled all over the world including Japan, Korea, Germany, Turkey, and Afghanistan.

Serving Needs Of The Community With Caring, Sincere And Whole Hearted Services

Our treatment programs and services are diverse, trauma informed and community based and we are aware to develop an effective wellness center for the community.
